
What happens if I add false credits?

Credit where credit’s due.

The Models.com database is a cooperative system that relies on its community of users to report accurate credits.
We consider it our mission to give everyone who works in the industry credit for work they have done, and the control over the appearance of these credits.
In order to protect the integrity and accuracy of credits on the site it is Models.com’s policy that any repeated abuse of the credit system, including claiming fake or inaccurate credits may result in a temporary or permanent ban from the MDC Community.

A banned member will no longer be able to claim credits or control their own credits on their Models.com page themselves, and in some cases might have their Models.com page completely removed.

MDC relies on its community to keep the information found in the database accurate and complete. Any reports of false crediting for yourself or others will result in a warning, a suspension of database access and/or the removal of your MDC page and credits. Currently, assisting positions are not credited on models.com and would be considered a false credit if added to a work.